Inukjuak Community

With a population of 1576, Inukjuak is one of the biggest and most populated Inuit villages of Nunavik, in northern Quebec. It is located off the coast of the Hudson Bay, at the mouth of the Innuksuak River. It has a long history with the Hudson’s Bay Company, which opened a trading outpost in the community in 1920.


Inukjuak is as an important center of creative Inuit art and has produced notable artists including Silassie Tuki, Johnny Inukpuk, Daniel Inukpuk and, Conlucy Nastapoka, and Lucassie Echalook.


Printmaking began in 1972 under the instruction of Thomassie and Noah Echalook who transformed an abandoned classroom in to a print shop.

5 artworks

Drum Dancer - Northern Expressions | Aisa Aupaluktuk - Carving | | Canadian Indigenous & Inuit Art
Aisa Aupaluktuk
Drum Dancer
$ 600.00
Mother and Child - Northern Expressions | Aisa Aupaluktuk - Carving | | Canadian Indigenous & Inuit Art
Aisa Aupaluktuk
Mother and Child
$ 550.00
Mother and Child - Northern Expressions | Daniel Inukpuk - Carving | | Canadian Indigenous & Inuit Art
Daniel Inukpuk
Mother and Child
$ 650.00
Mother and Children - Northern Expressions | Bobby Aupaluktuk - Carving | | Canadian Indigenous & Inuit Art
Bobby Aupaluktuk
Mother and Children
$ 500.00
On Ice - Northern Expressions | Adamie Ningiuk - Carving | | Canadian Indigenous & Inuit Art
Adamie Ningiuk
On Ice
$ 800.00