Tim Pitsiulak

I am a hunter and I know the land and animals of the north. I am particularly inspired by the bowhead whale, because nobody really knows much about them. My inspiration to be an artist comes from my aunt, Kenojuak Ashevak, because she is the oldest and the best.
-Tim Pitsiulak

Tim was born in Kimmirut (Lake Harbour) in 1967 to Napachie and Timila Pitsiulak.  His biggest artistic influence is wildlife especially whales - the Bowhead, Beluga and the Walrus. His images reflects a deep understanding of the motions of these animals in the wild.

Tim was a guest artist at Toronto's Open Studio for two weeks in 2016.

2 artworks

Tim Pitsiulak
Tim Pitsiulak
Sedna’s Rescue